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T' Plates
Pleiades and Pole
March 20, 1907

[[8 columned table]]
|Pl. 1st|a'|B|   |   |   |   |   |
|   |b'|B.|   |   |   |   |   |
|   |f|2.0 =|2.2|2.3|2.2|2.23|010|
|   |g|2.2 =|2.4|2.3|2.3|2.33|100|
|   |h|[[strikethrough]]3.0[[/strikethrough]]2.7 =|2.9|2.6|2.5|2.67|2[[underlined]]12[[/underlined]]|
|   |i|3.[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]1 =|3.3|3.2|3.2|3.23|100|
|   |j|[[strikethrough]]4.1[[/strikethrough]]3.4 =|3.6|3.5|3.5|3.53|100|
|   |j|   |5.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]1|5.1|5.0|5.07|00[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|
|   |k|   |5.8|5.5|5.4|5.57|2[[underlined]]12[[/underlined]]|
|   |l|   |7.1|7.1|7.2|7.13|001|
|   |m|   |8.3|8.5|8.4|8.40|[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]10|
|   |n|   |9.5|9.5|9.5|9.50|000|
|   |b|3.2 =|3.4|3.6|3.6|3.53|[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]11|
|   |c|   |3.9|4.1|4.0|4.00|[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]10|
|   |d|   |5.2|5.3|5.2|5.23|010|
|   |e|   |5.5|5.7|5.5|5.57|[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]1[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|
|   |f|   |6.0|6.1|5.9|6.00|01[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|
|   |g|   |8.0|8.0|7.9|7.97|00[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|
|   |h|   |8.3|8.4|8.2|8.30|01[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|
|   |k|   |8.8|8.9|8.6|8.77|01[[underlined]]2[[/underlined]]|
|Pl 2nd|a'|   |   |   |   |   |   | 
|   |b'|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |f|2.1 =|2.3|2.2|2.3|2.23|101|
|   |g|2.2 =|2.4|2.4|2.3|2.37|00[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|
|   |h|2.6 =|2.8|2.7|2.7|2.73|100|
|   |i|3.7 =|3.3|3.2|3.2|3.23|100|
|   |j|3.3 =|3.5|3.5|3.5|3.50|000|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data Systems

Transcription Notes:
I don't know if the numbers in the last column should have spaces between them, like "0 1 0" rather than "010"