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Sc R Oct 8, 1913
[[5 column table]]
H 806|H 807
1|11.3|11.1 11.20 11|11.2|11.2 11.20 00

2|11.5|11.3 11.40 11|11.1|11.2 11.15 10

3|11.3|11.2 11.25 10|8.3 8.6|8.7 8.65|8.65 8.65 00 00

4|11.3|11.2 11.25 10|10.2|10.1 10.15 01

5|[strikethrough 10.3] 10.9|10.8 10.85 10|10.2|10.2 10.20 00

6|[strikethrough 10.0] 11.0|10.9 [strikethrough 11.00] 10.95 11|11.3|11.1 11.20 11

7|10.1|10.0 10.05 10|11.3|11.3 11.30 00

8|10.1|10.0 [?] 10.00|[?]00|11.1|11.1 11.10 00

9|9.0|9.00 8.95 8.98 02 03|11.1|11.1 11.10 00

10|11.2|11.2 [strikethrough a]|

11|11.2|11.2 [strikethrough a]|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System