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Sc R

Oct 10, 1913
H810 H811

Images too poor


Sc1       Sc2
1          11.1   11.1  11.10   00
2          11.3   11.3  11.30   00
3          12.0   12.1  12.05   01
4          12.1   12.3  12.20   11
5          12.0   12.1  12.05   01
6          12.0   12.1  12.05   01
7          11.0   10.9  10.95   01
8          11.1   11.0  11.05   10
9 9.0 (09.3)9.3 (9.30)9.3 9.30  00

John G. Wolbach Library, Havard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics . Provided by the Nasa Astrophysics Data System