Viewing page 24 of 222

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Sc R
Oct 10, 1913
H814| H815

1|8.386|8.7|8.65 8.95 8.80 15 15|8.3| 8.6| 8.7|8.65 01|8.55 8.60 05 05

2|10.1|10.1 10.10 00|10.1|10.00 10.05 10

3|10.2 ?|? 10.2 ? [underline a]|10.1|10.10 10.10 00

4|11.3|11.3 11.30 00|11.3|11.3 11.30 00

5|11.3|11.3 11.30 00|11.3|11.6 11.55 10

6|11.3|11.21 11.25 10|11.3|11.3 11.30 00

7|11.1|11.21 11.25 10|11.2|11.3 11.25 01

8|10.1|10.2 10.15 10|10.3|10.2 10.25 10

9|10.2|10.3 10.25 01|10.3|10.2 10.25 10