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                            Series 71  

Sc U                        March 2, 1914   
|  |me3158|   |PC|   |
|  |sc2     |      |      p118    m|ean   dff|
| 5|   |     ||5.65 00 00 0.84|
| 6|   |p.118||6.22 03 [[underined]]02 0.89|
| 8|me |diff ||7.70 [[underined]]25 25 0.53|
|  |3152||||
| 9|   |mean ||8.30 [[underined]]10 10 0.53|
|10|4.7        4.7||8.4 8.7 8.55 2.1 8.75|8.65 10 10 0.137|    
|11|5.2        5.1||9.0 9.1 9.0 a. 9.4||
|12|5.4        5.4|||   |
|13|5.9        5.9||||
|14|6.3        6.2||||
|15|6.6        6.6||||
|16|7.0        6.9||||
|17|7.3        7.3||||sfaafs
|18|7.8        7.8||||
|19|8.1        8.05||||
|  |    8.25       ||||
|20|8.3 8.2 10 8.30||||
|  |    8.90       ||||
|23|8.9 8.9    8.85||||
|  |    9.25 10    ||||
|25|9.3 9.2    9.30||||
|  |    9.60 00    ||||
|26|9.6 96     9.75||||
|  |    9.95 01    ||||
|27|10.0 9.9     s.||||
|  |               |   1  1  |||
|  |               |   5  5  |||
|  |               |+.02 -.02|||
|  |               |  01 [[strikethrough]]0[[strikethrough/]]2 11|||
|  |               |   6 [[strikethrough]]6[[strikethrough/]]   6|||
|  |               |-.00    :00 -.02|copiead||
|  |               |  09     06     |       ||
|  |               |   3      3     |       ||
|[[?]]|               |-.03   +.03     |       ||
|  |               |  00     15     |       ||
|  |               |  14     14     |       ||
|  |               | .00   -.01     |       ||

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System