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Series 1[[strikethrough]]6[[strikethrough]]95  

Sc U                March 18, 1914
[[strikethrough]]9.30[[strikethrough]]9.20   Mc 4779         Pole
[[11 Column Table]]
|   |   |Mean MC4784 P. 145|Mean |Diff.|a^1|Mean|MC4714|a^2|Mean|Diff.|

 5| [[strikethrough]]3.3[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |5.6|5.50 1 [[underline]]1[[/underline]]|5.30|5.4|5.40 10 [[underline]]00[[/underline]]|+1.09|
 6|   |   |   |   |6.2|6.25 [[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]0 1|6.30|3.3|6.28 [[underline]]03[[/underline]] 02|1.13|
 8|   |   |   |   |7.2|7.20 0 0|7.15|7.2|7.18 02 [[underline]]03[[/underline]]|1.05|
 9|   |   |   |   |7.5|7.5 0 0|7.55|7.5|7.52 [[underline]]02[[underline]] 03|
 10|4.7     |4.8|4.754 1 0|4.27|8.1|8.00 1 [[underline]]1[[/underline]]|7.90|7.9|7.95 05 [[underline]]05[[/underline]]|1.07|
 11|5.3  5.2|5.25 1 0|4.30|5.25 1 0|8.1|8.20 [[underline]]1[[/underline]] 1|8.20|8.3|[[change]]8.20 00 00|1.35|
 12| 5.6|   5.5|5.55 0 [[underline]]1[[/underline]]|4.01|8.5|5.5 [[underline]]a[[/underline]]|8.50|t. f.|8.50 00 00|1.36|
 13| 6.1| 6.0|6.05 1 0|4.25|8.7|8.80 [[underline]]1[[/underline]] 1|8.80|8.9|8.80 00 00|1.50|
 14| 6.3|     6.3
 15| 6.5|     6.6
 16| 7.0|[[strikethrough]]7.6[[/strikethrough]]6.9|6.95 0 [[underline]]1[[/underline]]|4.45|9.1|9.1 0 00|9.7|9.70 00 00|1.7|
  17|7.0|7.6|[[strikethrough]]/7.6[[strikethrough]]7.2|7.25 1 0|4.38|9.9|9.90 0 0|9.90|9.9|9.90 00 00|1.73|
 18| 7.8|7.6|7.70 1 2|4.36|f.|f.|   |f. |  |07/4|08/4| 
 19|7.9|7.77.80 1 [[underline]]1[[/underline]]|4.62|n.n|   |   |   |n.s.|+.02|-0.20|
  20|8.2|8.0|[[underline]]8.1[[strikeout]]5[[/strikeout]]0 1 2[[/underline]]|4.63|07/5|08/5|
 23|8.5| 8.5^[[8.50 0 0]]|0]]|8.5|8.5|8.50 0 0|4.84|   |   |   |   |   |0.01|0.02|
 25| 8.8^[[8.85 0 0]]| 8.9 8.80|8.28 03 [[underline]]02[[/underline]]|   |   |   |  |   |18/3|7/3|
 26 9.1 9.1^[[9.10 0 0]]|9.15|9.12 [[underline]]02[[/underline]] 03|5.21|   |   |   |   |   |-.06|+.06|
 27 9.5 9.4^[[9.4510]]|9.4|9.45|9.45 00 00|5.24|   |   |   |   |   |04/12|01/12|
28 9.9 9.8^[[9.8510]]|9.8|9.75|9.80 05 [[underline]]05[[/underline]]|5.31|   |   |   |   |   |.00|.00|
      29 F.|F.|10.00|10.00 [[underline]]a[[underline]]|5.66|
   |   |   |1/5|1/5|
   |   |   |+0.21|-0.21|
   |   |   |3/6|4/6|
   |   |   |+.05|-.07|
   |   |   |01/4|01/4|
   |   |   |[[strikeout]]1[[/strikeout]].00|.00|
   |  |   |05/1|05/1|
   |   |   |[[strikeout]]5[[/strikeout]]|   3|
   |   |   |46/16|54/16|
   |   |   |+.03|-.03|[[/table]]

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
[[strikeout]] [[underline]]