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Series 131

Sc. U.  April [[strikethrough]]14[[/strikethrough]]^[[15]] , 1914  Copied  Card
2.37 M.C.3931 R X Draconis 19^[[h]] P.B. Alt +18
   | Sc1 | Sc2 |
a | 5.2 | 4.93 | 10.13 | 9.2 | 9.3 | 9.25 | 01 | 1.31 | 10.56
b | 5.2 | 4.93 | 10.13 | 9.1 | 9.1 | 9.10 | 00 | 1.29 | 10.39
c | 5.9 | 5.02 | 10.92 | N.s | 
d | 5.3 | 4.94 | 10.24 | 9.5 | 
e | 6.3 | 5.08 | 11.38 | 
f | 6.5 | 5.10 | 11.60 | 
g | 6.7 | 5.13 | 11.83 | 
h | 7.2 | 5.19 | 12.39 |
k | 7.5 | 5.21 | 12.71 |
l | 8.0 | 5.25 | 13.25 |
m | 8.3 | 5.27 | 13.57 |
n | 8.5 | 5.28 | 13.78 |
o | 8.7^[[8.60 11]] | 8.5 | 5.29 | 13.89
p | 8.8^[[8.75 01]] | 8.7 | 5.30 | 14.05
q | 9.0^[[9.05 01]] | 9.1 | 5.29 | 14.34
r | 9.5^[[9.50 00]] | 9.5 | 5.26 | 14.76
s | 9.8^[[9.85 01]] | 9.9 | 5.24 | 15.09
alpha | 3.8 |   |   |   | 6.7 | 6.5 | 6.60 | 11 | 1.00 | 7.60
beta | 4.1 |   | 4.80 | 8.90 | 7.2 | 7.1 | 7.15 | 01 | 1.04 | 8.19
gamma | 4.7 |   | 4.85 | 9.55 | 7.9 | 8.0 | 9.95 | 10 | [[strikethrough]]1.34[[/strikethrough]]^[[1.15]] | 9.10

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Data System

Transcription Notes:
indicate columns with | Alpha, Beta and Gamma are written in Greek letters