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Series 154

Sc U   Copied  S  Card  December 30, 1913  S
[[10 Columned Table]]
   | MC | 481 |   | 44K | ^[[alt. + .221 ^.1 | PC |   |   |   
   | SC1 | SC2 | SC3 |  |   |   |   |   |    
   |   |   |   | Curve | Magn. |   |   | Curve | Magn.  
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
1 | 4.2 |   |   | 4.40^[[.]] | 8.60^[[.73]] | 7.3 |    | 1.07^[[.]] | 8.37^[[.50]]  

2 | 4.3 |   |   | 4.40^[[.]] | 8.70^[[.83]] | 7.5 |   | 1.08^[[.]] | 8.58^[[.71]]  

3 | 4.8 |   |   | 4.42^[[.]] | 9.22^[[.35] | 8.1 |   | 1.13^[[.]] | 9.23^[[.36]]  

4 | [[strikethrough]] 5.0 [[/strikethrough]] | 5.0 |   | 4.43 | 9.43^[[.56]] | 8.3 |   | 1.15^[[.]] | 9.45^[[.58]]  

5 |   | 5.2 |   | 4.44^[[.]] | 9.64^[[.77]] | Im | Su[[?]] | . | 

6 |   | 5.7 |   | [[strikethrough]] 5. [[/strikethrough]] 4.50^[[.]] | 10.20^[[.33]] | 9.7 ^[[9.7000^[[.]]]] | 9.5^[[9.7^[[.]]]] | 1.40^[[.]] | 11.10^[[.24]]
7 |   | 5.9 |   | 4.53^[[.]] | 10.43^[[56]] | 9.9^[[9.9000]] | 9.7^[[9.9]] | 1.46 | 11.36^[[.50]]

8 |   | 6.2 |   | 4.59^[[.]] | 10.79^[[.92]]

9 |   | 6.3 |   | 4.61^[[.]] | 10.91^[[11.05]]^[[.]]

10 |   | 6.7 |   | 4.68^[[.]] | 11.38^[[.52]]

11 |   | 6.9 |   | 4.72^[[.]] | 11.62^[[.76]]

12 |   | 7.1 |   | 4.76^[[.]] | 11.86^[[12.00^[[.]]]]

13 |   | 7.3 |   | 4.81^[[.]] | 12.11^[[.25]]

14 |   | 7.5 |   | 4.87^[[.]] | 12.37^[[.51]]

15 |   | 8.1 |   | 5.08^[[.]] | 13.18^[[.32]]

16 |   | 8.7 | . | 5.30^[[.]]| 14.00^[[.14]]

17 |   | 9.5^[[9.4510^[[.]] | 9.2^[[9.4.]] | 5.50^[[.]] | 14.95^^[[.]][[15.09]]

Transcription Notes:
. I think the record just had a dot above the numbers incase there was an ALTERNATIVE? However, I included the dot above the numbers.