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Series 139

Sc M January 13,1914 Copied
3 50 MC4020|R [[Srianguli?]]|Alt. +.221
[[5 columned table]]
|| Sc1 | Sc2 | Curve | Magn.|

|D a|2.3^2.5||.||
|D b|3.0^3.2||.||
|D f= c|3.8^4.0||4.26|8.26 D|
|d|4.1^4.3 430 0 0|4.3|4.24|8.54|
|e|4.9^5.1 515 1 0|5.2|4.21|9.36 D|
|t||8.5|4.27|12.77 D|


[[left margin top]]Photographic Seq. Vol 44[[/left margin top]]

[[left margin bottom]] Vis Seq- Chart.[[/left margin bottom]]