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Series 411

Sc u          Jan 20, 1915    Copied   Card

   |Mc 7341 D|3 5 00 -|15.0  alt. -.18|   | 
1|1.2^[[Sc1]] 3.2 ^[[Sc2]]|^[[Curve Magn.]]|5.8^[[a^[[1]]]] 5.75^[[0[[underline]]1[[/underline]]^[[Mean]]]] +1.19^[[Curve]] 6.94^[[Magn]] 5.7^[[a^[[2]]]]|5.7^[[PC]] +1.21^[[Curve]] 8.7?^[[Diffr.]] 9.0?^[[PC]] 6.91^[[Magn.]]|
Very near edge 2|1.[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]^[[3]] 3.3|   |th th|5.5? 1.15? 8.7 8.9 6.65?|
[[ditto marks - Very near edge]] 3|1.3 3.3|   |th th|5.5 1.15 8.8 8.9 6.65|
4|1.5 3.5|   |5.7 5.70^[[00]] 1.18 6.88 5.7|5.9 1.27 th th 7.17|
5|1.5 3.5|   |6.0 5.95^[[0[[underline]]1[[/underline]]]] 1.24 7.19 5.9|6.1 1.31 7.14|
Near edge 6|1.7 3.7|   |5.9 5.80^[[1[[underline]]1[[/underline]]]] 1.21 7.01 5.7|6.1 1.31 7.41|
[[in margins through row 14]]  Called the 181/11 scale image [[-]]1 instead y3 (b2, scale) 7|1.8 3.8|   |6.1 6.00^[[1[[underline]]1[[/underline]]]] 1.26 7.26 5.9|6.3 1.34 7.64|
8|1.9 3.9|   |6.1 6.10^[[00]] 1.28 7.38 6.1|6.3 1.34 7.64|
9|2.2 4.2|[[strikethrough]]12.33[[/strikethrough]]^[[4.83]] [[strikethrough]]6.53[[/strikethrough]]^[[9.03]]|6.4 6.45^[[01]] 1.36 7.81 6.5|6.7 1.39 8.09|
10|2.4 4.4|[[strikethrough]]2.40[[/strikethrough]]^[[4.90]] [[strikethrough]]6.80[[/strikethrough]]^[[9.30]]|6.8 6.85^[[01]] 1.43 8.28 6.9|7.1 1.44 8.54|
11|[[strikethrough]]2.3[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |[[strikethrough]]7.5[[/strikethrough]]|
12|2.3 4.3|[[strikethrough]]2.37[[/strikethrough]]^[[4.87]] [[strikethrough]]6.67[[/strikethrough]]^[[9.17]]|7.2 7.25^[[01]] 1.51 8.76 7.3|7.5 1.47 8.97|
13|2.7 4.7|5.02 9.72|7.5 7.50^[[00]] 1.55 9.05 7.5|7.7 1.49 9.19|
14|4.9 4.80 1[[underline]]1[[/underline]] 4.7|5.05 9.85|8.2 8.2[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]^[[5^[[01]]]] 1.69 10.09 8.5|8.5 1.53 10.03|
16|5.2|5.16 10.36|8.2 8.25^[[01]] 1.67 9.92 8.3|8.5 1.53 10.03|
17|5.3|5.18 10.48|8.3 8.40^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]]1]] 1.69 10.09 8.5|8.5 1.53 10.03|
18|5.5|5.21 10.71|8.8 8.90^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]]1]] 1.74 10.64 9.0|9.2 1.56 10.76|
19|5.5|5.21 10.71|8.9 8.95^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]]0]] 1.75 10.70 9.0|9.4 1.58 10.98|
20|5.7|5.25 10.95|9.1 9.20^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]]1]] 1.78 10.98 9.3|9.3 1.57 10.87|
21|6.1|5.33 11.43|9.7 9.75^[[[[underline]]1[[/underline]]0]] 1.82 [[underline]]11.57[[/underline]] 9.8|9.8 1.59 [[underline]]11.39[[/underline]]|
22|6.9|5.43 12.33|Ch W|   |
23|6.4|5.37 11.77|   |   |
24|6.5|5.38 11.88|   |   |
25|7.3|5.47 12.77|   |   |
26|7.3|5.47 12.77|Correct Magn. for time|-See P142|
27|7.8|5.51 13.31|May be neglected|[[ditto marks - see p142]]|
28|[[strikethrough]]8.1[[/strikethrough]]7.7^[[5.51]] 13.21|   |   |
29|8.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]^[[1]]|5.53 13.63|*See note for diff PC's p.127|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System