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Series 18

Sc M                May 21, 1915     Copied
B44763 E5 alt-0.42

[[9 column Table]]

|  |Sc1|  |Sc2|  |  |PC|   |.|.|

|1|2.6^[[2.8]]|  |  |.|.|8.1|.|-0.92|7.18|
|2|2.3^[[2.5 0 0]]|  |  |.|.|7.5^[[7.60 1 1]]| 7.7|-0.94 E|6.66 E|
D 3|tþ|  |   |.|.|8.5|-0.91|7.59|
[[margin]]Remeasured by D Oc.26 '04 5|3.1?|8.9|
6|[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]t.p.|9.4|7|[[symbol]]|9.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]4 w.s.|8|3.8|9.5|[[/margin]]
D 4|3.2^[[3.4]]|   |   |4.29|7.69|Scr. +dif.|.|.|
 5|3.0^[[3.2]]|3.1^[[3.3]]|[[3.250 1]]|4.29|7.54|8.7|-0.90|
 D 6|3.9^[[4.1]]|[[4.05 1 0|4.0|4.30|8.35|9.3|-[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]89|8.[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]41|
 7|3.0^[[3.2]]|   |   |4.29|7.49|9.0|-9.0|
 8|3.7^[[3.9]]|3.90 00|3.9|4.[[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]]29|8.[[strikethrough]]20[[/strikethrough]]19|9.5|-0.8 9|   |   |40|4.24|8.29|9.7|.|
 10|   |   |3.9|4.29|8.19|
 11|   |   |4.7^[[4.55 12]]|[[4.4]]|4.30|8.85|
 12|   |   |5.5|4.33|[[strikethrough]][[/strikethrough]]9.83|
 13|   |   |4.9^[[4.95 1 0]]|[[5.0]]4.31|9.26|
 14|   |   |5.5|4.31|9.26|
 15|   |   |5.9^[[5.95 1 0]]|[[6.0]]4.34|10.29|
 ? 16|   |   |   |.|   |
 17|   |   |6.1|4.36|10.46|
18|   |   |6.2|4.36|10.56|
19|   |   |6.7|4.42|4.12|
20|   |   |7.0|4.46|11.46|
21|   |   |7.3|4.49|11.79|
22|   |   |7.8|4.51|12.31|
23|   |   |8.2|4.52|12.72|
24|   |   |8.5|4.52|13.02|
25|  |   |8.9|4.52|13.02|
26|   |   |8.9^[[8.95 1 0]]|4.52|13.42|
27|  |   |9.0^[[9.40 1 1]|9.5|4.51|13.91|
28|   |   |W.S.[[strikethrough]]8.2[[/strikethrough]]9.8^[[9.80 0 0]]|9.8|4.50|14.30|
29|   |   |F|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes: