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Series 10 (1[[underlined]]st[[?]][[/underlined]] half)

Sc P     May 15, 1915
a10918 b8
[[4 column table]]
|   |Sc1|Sc2|Pc|
near edge|1|B|   |7.3|
off pl|2|   |   |   |
|3|B|   |8.5|
off pl|4|   |   |   |
near edge|5|   |   |8.1|
|6|Br|   |8.7|
near edge|6a|   |   |9.0
off pl.|7|   |   |   |
near edge|8|   |   |9.8
near edge|9|   |   |9.8
|10|3.3|   |   |
|11|3.5|   |   |
|12|3.7|   |   |
|13|3.8|   |   |
|14|3.9|   |   |
|15|4.3|4.0|   |
|16|   |4.1|   |
[[right margin]]Images double - 
Per [[?]]. s.d.

[[/right margin]]

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System