Viewing page 11 of 232

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[[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]] 

MC Series 799
Sc M  Feb 8, 1918
MC 12946 18 0 + 75.0 ^[[Alt: corr. +.14]]
|   |Sc1|Sc2|   |   |PC|   |   |
|1| B | B |   |   |6.1|0.40|6.50|  
|2|   | B |   |   |7.3|0.20|7.50|  
|3|3.3 ^[[3.5]]|   | . |   |8.1 ^[[8.20^ [[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1] 8.3|0.04|8.24|  
|4|   |4.2|5.14|9.34|9.7?| . | . |
|5|   |4.7|5.06|9.76|   |   |   |
|6|   |5.3|4.97|10.27|   |   |   |
|7|   |5.7|4.92|10.62|   |   |   |
|8|   |6.1|4.84|10.94|   |   |   |
|9|   |6.9^[[6.80^[[1 [[underlined]] 1[[/underlined]]]] 6.7|4.71|11.51| |   |   |
|10|   |7.0|4.67|11.67|   |   |   |
|11|   |7.3|4.61|11.91|   |   |   |
|12|   |7.5|4.57|12.07|   |   |   |
|13|   |7.7|4.55|1[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]]2.25|   |   |   |
|14|   |7.7|4.55|12.25|   |   |   |
|15|   |8.0|4.50|12.50|   |   |   |
|16|   |8.1|4.49|12.59|   |   |   |
|17|   |8.4 ^[[8.45^[[0 1]]]] 8.5|4.44|12.89|   |   |   |
|18|   |90|4.35|13.35| | |
|19|   |9.7|4.23|[[underlined]] 13.93[[/underlined]] |   |   |   | 
|20|   |9.9?|4.18|[[underlined]] 14.08[[/underlined]]|   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. Empty spaces should be | |. After MC12946 18 u or v? I think its a 0 like on the next page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-06 10:29:45