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B Series 171
Copied Bk 45:28
Sc V November 8, 1918
B46927 T Centauri 13 36-33.1 alt corr +.06

[[14 columned table]]
|   |   |   |Sc2|   |   |   |g|h|   |   |PC|   |   |
|a|   |   |B|   |.|.|tp|tp|.|   |7.0| . | . |
|b|   |   |B|   |.|.|tp|tp|.|   |8.0|-1.12 |6.88|
|c|   |   |B|   |.|.|6.3|tp|.|   |8.5|-1.17 |7.33|
|d|   |   |B|   |.|.|tp|tp|.|   |7.9|-1.11 |6.79|
|e|3.9^[[4.0]]|4.05^[[[[underlined]]0.5[[/underlined]] 0.5]]|41|   |3.62|7.67|6.5|tp|.|.|8.9|-1.22|7.68|
|f|   |   |B|   |.|.|5.5|tp|.|.|7.8|-1.10|6.70|
|g|   |   |4.4|   |3.66|8.06|6.9|tp|0.72|0.76|9.0|-1.23|7.77|
|g'|   |   |4.3^[[4.40^[[[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1]]]] |4.5|3.66|8.06|tp|tp|.|.|9.1|-1.24|7.86|
|h|   |   |5.4|   |3.74| 9.14 |8.5 |tp |0.61 |9.11 |9.8|-1.33 |[[underlined]]8.47[[/underlined]]|
|h'|   |   |5.5|   |3.75|9.25|sup| 8.7^[[8.80^[[[[underlined]1[[/underlined]] 1]]]] 9.0|0.49|9.29|   |   |   |
|k|   |   |5.9|   |3.76|9.66|9.5^[[9.40^[[1 [[underlined]] 1[[/underlined]]]]]]|9.3|0.37e|9.77e|   |   |   |
|l|   |   |5.7|   |3.76|9.46|9.1|tp|0.43|9.53|   |   |   |
|m|   |   |5.8|   |3.76|9.56|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|n|   |   |6.5|   |3.76|10.26|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|o|   |   |7.1|   |3.76|10.86|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|p|   |   |7.9|   |3.72|11.62|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|q|   |   |8.8|   |3.64|12.44|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|r|   |   |9.7|   |3.52|[[underlined]]13.22 [[/underlined]]|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|s|   |   |9.9|   |.|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

Diff images elongated. Not comp with SC. 

John G. Wolbach Library Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 

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