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Sequences for Var Stars 
ScV      March 29, 1919
[[strikethrough]]MC[[/strikethrough]] AC 19437 SU Aurigae

[[8 column table]]
|   |Sc1|Sc2|Curve|Magn.|Curve|Magn.|Mean|
a|   |6.5|.|   |   |   |   |
b|   |7.5||2.11|9.61|2.12|9.62|9.62[[underline]]01[[/underline]] 00
b^[[1]]|   |7.7|2.18|9.88|2.22|9.92|9.90[underline]]02[[/underline]] 02|
c|   |7.7|2.18|9.88|2.22|9.92|9.90 [[underline]]02[[/underline]] 02
c^[[1]]|   |7.9|2.25|10.15|2.31|10.21|10.18[[underline]]03[[/underline]] 03
c^[[2]]|   |8.3|2.40|10.70|2.50|10.80|10.75[[underline]]05[[/underline]] 05
|   |   |   | Curve|
Carte  5^[[h]] +24.5 1|   |7.16.9^[[7.00]]|1.95
2|   |7.7|2.17
3|   |7.9|2.30
4|   |8.3|2.19
5|   |8.5|2.41
6|   |8.9|2.50
7|   |9.1|2.86
^[[*]] 8|  |8.7|3.32
9|9.2|   |2.99
10|9.7|   |2.88?
No 8 surely brighter than 7 on this plate. Sup?

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 07:41:14