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Sequence Near N Pole

Sc M       January 16, 1920
11-00          MC7975 Eth B Pole
[[7 Column Table]]
|- |Sc1           |Sc2|h146|Means|- |Diff|
|8 |2.3 2.1       |-  |2.3 |2.30 |00|5.93|
|9 |2.9 2.7       |-  |2.7 |2.80 |11|6.03|
|10|3.2 3.0       |-  |3.1 |3.15 |01|5.87|
|11|3.7 3.5       |-  |3.6 |3.65 |10|5.90|
|12|3.9 3.7 3.9000|3.9|3.9 |3.90 |00|5.96|
|13|      -       |4.3|4.3 |4.30 |00|6.00|
|14|      -       |4.7|4.7 |4.70 |00|5.95|
|15|      -       |5.1|5.0 |5.05 |10|6.03|
|16|      -       |5.5|5.5 |5.50 |00|5.90|
|17|      -       |5.8|5.7 |5.75 |01|5.88|
|18|      -       |6.3|6.1 |6.20 |11|5.86|
|19|      -       |6.7|6.5 |6.60 |10|5.82|
|20|      -       |7.0|6.9 |6.95 |01|5.78|
|21|      -       |7.3|7.3 |7.30 |00|5.66|
|22|      -       |7.5|7.5 |7.50 |00|5.69|
|23|      -       |7.7|7.8 |7.73 |10|5.59|
|24|      -       |8.0| .  |8.00 |a.|5.64|
|25|      -       |8.5|8.5 |8.50 |00|5.37|
|26|      -       |9.0|8.9 |8.95 |01|5.38|
|27|      -       |9.5|9.3 |9.40 |11|5.29|
|28|      -       |9.8|9.8 |9.80 |00|5.31|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics . Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System