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Plat 38

Sequences Near N Pole
February 12, 1920
MC16632 Pole

|   | Sc1 | Sc2 | [[strikethrough]]Diff[[/strikethrough]] |
| 8 | ^[[1.6]] 1.5 |   | [[strikethrough]]6.63[[/strikethrough]] |
| 9 | ^[[2.1]] 2.0 |   | [[strikethrough]]6.73[[/strikethrough]] |
| 10 | ^[[2.3]] 2.2 |   | [[strikethrough]]6.72[[/strikethrough]] |
| 11 | ^[[2.8]] 2.7 |   | [[strikethrough]]6.75[[/strikethrough]] |
| 12 | ^[[3.4]] 3.3 |   | [[strikethrough]]6.46[[/strikethrough]] |
| 13 | ^[[3.7]] 3.6 |   | [[strikethrough]]6.60[[/strikethrough]] |
| 14 | ^[[4.1]] 4.0 ^[[4.15]] | 4.2 | [[strikethrough]]6.58[[/strikethrough]] |
| 15 |   | 4.5 | [[strikethrough]]6.58[[/strikethrough]] |
| 16 |   | 5.0 | [[strikethrough]]6.40[[/strikethrough]] |
| 17 |   | 5.3 | [[strikethrough]]6.33[[/strikethrough]] |
| 18 |   | 5.9 | [[strikethrough]]6.16[[/strikethrough]] |
| 19 |   | 6.3 | [[strikethrough]]6.12[[/strikethrough]] |
| 20 |   | 6.7 | [[strikethrough]]6.03[[/strikethrough]] |
| 21 |   | 6.9 | [[strikethrough]]6.26[[/strikethrough]] |
| 22 |   | 7.2 | [[strikethrough]]5.99[[/strikethrough]] |
| 23 |   | 7.5 | [[strikethrough]]5.84[[/strikethrough]] |
| 24 |   | 7.8 | [[strikethrough]]6.07^[[5.84]][[/strikethrough]] |
| 25 |   | 8.1 | [[strikethrough]]5.77[[/strikethrough]] |
| 26 |   | 8.7 | [[strikethrough]]5.63[[/strikethrough]] |
| 27 |   | 9.2 | [[strikethrough]]5.49[[/strikethrough]] |
| 28 |   | 9.8^[[9.75]] | [[strikethrough]]9.7^[[5.36]][[/strikethrough]] |

[[note]] Copied p5 [[/note]]
John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - Provided By the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
Line 24 has a term that was struck out twice, which I marked with one [[strikethrough]]. Might need to be changed.