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MF Series 429         

copied 34:119

Sc v    Nov,27,1920  Att Corr +.07

    MF 6278.__________41Ks________17  15-20
  Scl___Sc3           Cw Magu g   __L__
2_____5.5________|4.81_10.31_|98_980_9.8-009 9.71
3______5.9_______| 4.60_10.50 |
4______6.7_______| 4.20_10.90 | 
5______7.0_______| 4.12_11.12 |
6______7.2_______| 4.07_11.27 |
7______7.3_______| 4.06_11.36 |
8______7.5_______| 4.03_11.53 |
9______7.5_______| 4.03_11.53 |
10_____8.0_______| 3.94_11.94 |
11_____8.3_______| 3.90_12.20 |
12_____8.5_______| 3.87_12.37 |
13_____8.8_______| 3.82_12.62 |
14_____9.25_9.3__| 3.77_13.02 |
15_____9.8_______| 3.70_13.50 |

Transcription Notes:
added all over scripted numbers