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taken from?

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He said his own plantation.

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Who did Mr Ball say this rice was taken off for?

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By the order of Mr Redding, agent of St Thomas Parish.

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Ques by Mr R.
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Did Mr Ball say this rice came out of his share, or did it come from the freedmen's?

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It came off his plantation, and the freedmen had no rights to take the crops until the whole were divided.

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Ques by Mr R.
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Does Mr Montell Know of any written contract made by Mr Reed with his freedmen, and if so on what place?

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Yes on two places, Rice Hope, St Johns Parish, and Woodlands, St Thomas Parish.

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Ques by Mr R.
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How many more plantations has Mr Reed, in St Thomas Parish, where no contracts were made?

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Mrs. Benevento & Hagan.

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Ques by Mr R.
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What kind of protection did Mr Gailland want from me?

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I do not know. He did not tell me.

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Ques by Mr R.
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Did Mr Gailland say to Mr Montell, that I told him Gen Saxton's orders were, where no written contract existed, the freedmen were to have the entire crop except the Government percent?

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He did not