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[[5 Columned Table]]
| Date | Parties | Cause of Action | sum ret'ble | Action taken |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| June 13 1868 | Alex Jones (F) vs Parham & Sons | To recover balance of $8 19/100 on a/c | June 16 1868 | Judgement for plff for $18.84 |

| June 13 | Moses Hewit (F) vs F. G. Hester | Division of crop of 1867 | June 16 | Judgement for defendant for $10.50 |

| June 13 | L. C. Taylor MD vs William Hick (F) | To recover bal. due on a/c $17.50 | 16 | Judgement for plff for $15.00 Deft gave order on employers for the amount Receipt passed. |

| June 13 | Ast Cooke vs Addison McCaddin (F) | To reclaim custody of copartnership books of firm of Cooke & McCaddin abstracted by Deft. | 18 | Decision by Lt. Page A.S.A. Com. That defendant return the original books of the firm to plff. Defendant to be furnished with a duplicate set, to be kept by a third party of his choosing. |

| June 13 | L. C. Taylor M.D. vs Jordan McIvor F | To recover bal. on a/c $5.00 | 18 | Deft confessed Judgement of $5.00 |

| June 15 | Lizzie Foster (FW) vs Wm. B. Greenwood | Claim for share of crop in contract for 1867. | 20 | Judgement for plff for $11.28 and cost of witnesses to be paid by Deft. Total $15.10 Execution July 2, 1868 |

| June 15 | Crockett Harris (F) vs Alex Cooper | To recover balance due on labor contract for 1867. | June 20 | Judgement for plff for $5.29 |

| June 15 | John Gillam (F) vs Abram Hinton (F) | To recover $14.00 on a/c | June 17 | Judgement for plaintiff for $8.00 |

| June 15 | Abram Hinton (F) vs Dolphin Harris (F) | To recover $40.00 due on a bond | 17 | Judgement for plff for $40.00 and interest from May 4. 1868. Deft gave order on J. B. Hobgood Esq for $16.45 in part payment. |

Transcription Notes:
don't have to say table is across two pages in transcription area, its not St Page its Li. for Lieutenant Page, Mostly done, but I still can't make out what the heading is for the 4th column (which contains dates), and there are a couple [[?]] looks like "sum ret'ble" (retrievable? returnable?)