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1867  Willis Brown Dr  Cr.

[[5 Columned Table]]
|   |To|amt due 1st Jny 1867|   |$ 25.03|
|Mar 1st| To|1 Suit Clothes|$15.00|   |
|Mar 1st|   |1 Hat |2.50|   |
|Mar 1st|   |10 yds Cloth @ .30|3.00|   |
|Mar 1st|   |2 Shirts @ 1 1/4|2.50|   |
|Mar 1st|   |1 Pr Boots|5.00|   |
|Mar 1st| To|1 Coat|5.00|   |
|Mar 1st|   |Cash to Henderson|2.25|   |
|Mar 1st|   |Amt Paid by J M  E.C.|15.75|   |
|Mar 24| To|Cash|1.00|   |
|Apl 14|   |Cash|12.50|   |
|July 18|   |Dress Calco [[Calico]]|2.50|   |
|July 9|   |Cash|1.00|  |
|July 13|   |Cash|2.50|
|July 13|   |10 yds White Cloth|   |   |
|Aug 12|   |Cash|1.00|   |
|Aug 24|   |Cash|7.00|   |
|Sept 3|   |Cash|5.00|   |
|Sept 14|   |Cash|5.00|   |
|Sept 17|   |Cash|1.00|   |
|Oct 12|   |Cash|5.00|   |
|   |   |------|   |
|   |   |$95.50|
|   | To|Lumber burnt|6.00|   |
|   | To|Lost key for lock|[[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]].50|   |
|   |   |   |$104.00|   |
|   |   |Rations for 15 days|  |   |
|   |   |at Kithells|[[strikethrough]] 3.00 [[/strikethrough]] 1.80|   |
|   |   |Hotel Bill at Wilon|9.75|   |
|   |   |   |-------|   |
|   |   |   |$116.75|   |
[[/5 Columned Table]]


Transcription Notes:
[[NOTE]]: "Right-aligned" - |---:|; "left-aligned - |:---| **The totals at the bottom are from before striking out the $2 and 3.00, he totaled the amount. $104.00 + 3.00 + 9.75 = $116.75. After totaling, he then struck out the $3.00, and the $2 from the $2.50 amount above it. Then he changed the Rations amt. to $1.80. So real totals should be $102.00; and Grand total: $123.55. Don't know what the other numbers below that are for.