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John Marrow a freedman
1867 In ofc with Thomas L Williams

[[4 Columned Table]]
|Jan. 1|To Bal. due on old a/c. . |   |$32.64|
|March 9.|By This sum from B Harrison for 1 pr. shoes|3.00|   |
|   |By This sum for work for Charley  Tom  Catherine|1.00|   |
|   |   |& Self after paying for Trans +c|   |4.00|
|   |   |   |   |-----|
|   |due 1 Jan. 1867......|   |$28.64|
|   |To 1 cart plough....|$6.00|   |
|   |To 1 pair shoes for Mary...|2.50|   |
|Sept.|To half of a Large Mutton...|2.00|   |
|Sept. 15|To 27 1/2 lb Bacon @ 20c $5.50 }|3.50|   |
|   |By cork import.....2.00 }|   |   |                
|   |   |   |──────|
|   |   |   |14 00|
|   |By furnishing clothes for Issac }|   |   |
|   |after the cotton & wool furnished }2.42|   |
|   |& for Lodging washing mending}|   |   |
|   |and attention &c from 1. Jan.15|   |   |
|   |1867 to 10 May 1867 at the rates
|   |$7. per Year Day [[4 in/3 months?]]|   |   |
|   |By 2 days work sawing wheat|1.33|   |
|   |By 1 1/2 days with Johnson cutting stalks|.62|
|   |By Self Sally & Johnson in fodder for|1.12|   |
|   |By 2 days cutting wheat self & Johnson|4.00|   |
|   |By 2 days Self & Drury, for|0.80|10.29|
|   |   |─────|─────|
|   |   |   |3.71|
|   |To 1 years Int. on $28.43|1.71|1.71|
|   |By 20 Good picked Chewing Tobacco|2.00|7.42|
|   |   |   ||─────|
|   |Due 1. Jan.|   |$36.06|
|   |By difference in him of Mary & Martha }|   |5.00|
|   |   |   |─────|
|   |after redirecting purchase of horse }|   |$31.06|
|   |   |   |─────|
|   |due 1 Jan. 1 to 68...|   |36.06|
|   |   |   |75.  |
|   |   |   |─────|
|   |   |   |111.06|
|   |   |   |80.  |
|   |   |   |─────|
|   |   |   |31.  | 

Transcription Notes:
Table needed. Used INSTRUCTIONS which said to use |---:| for "right-aligned"; |:---| for "left-aligned| in a table. a/c = account