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[[2 Columned Table]]
|Thomas L. Williams debtor to John Masser for Two days|   |
|work and find himself at 75 cts per day...|$1.50|
|One day and half work for Johnson and find himself...|1.12 1/2|
|Two days work for self and Johnson for cutting and|   | 
|tieing wheat at two dollars per day...|4.00|
|Sallie and Adeline tieing wheat two days each...|1.00|
|One day pulling fodder for self, Johnson and board themselves and Sallie...|1.95|
|for shoemaking...|2.50|
|for the hire of Mary and Martha...|80.00|
|Debtor for shoes for Ben Harrison...|3.25|
|Debtor for making shoes for Thomas Harrison...|.50|
|   |─────|
|   |$95.82 1/2|
|Debtor for four days work harness making and binding self...|$4.00|
|   |95.82 1/2|
|   |──────|
|   |99.82 1/2|

Transcription Notes:
Per Instructions - use |:---| for "left-aligned"; use |---:| for "right-aligned" in tables, as seen in Style Sheet. Reason for it here is the money looks better in a table when aligned from the right side of the column.