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State of North Carolina
Granville County

To any Lawful Officer to Execute and Return within Thirty Days, (Sundays excepted):

YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to summon William B. Hughes & Charles H K Taylor so that you have them before me, or some other Justice of the Peace for said County, to answer to the complaint of Moses Owen 
for the non-payment of the sum of Twenty Two dollars. 
due by Account.

HEREIN FAIL NOT, and have you then and there this warrant. Given under my hand the 4th day of September A D., 1867. Summons for the
WM Hicks J.P. [Seal.]

JUDGMENT for the defendant for 80 cents cost Dollars
and __________ cents, with interest from________ 186
Former costs,_______; Present cost,_________________
Given under my hand and seal, the 4th day of September 1867
[[L. A. Purchall]] J.P. [Seal.]

The officer is commanded to execute and sell so much of the goods and chattels of defendant as will satisfy the judgment rendered on this warrant, with interest and cost, and for want of goods and chattels, you are hereby commanded to return his lands and tenements to the County court according to law.
Given under my hand and seal, the___ day of____ 186
_____ J.P. [SEAL]