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[[3 Columned table]]
 --- | --- | --- 
Abram Mitchell |   |
12 mos work |   | 140. |  
[Less] ex picking cotton | 4.43 |
[Less] advances  |92.04 1/2 = | 96.47 1/2
   | ────────
   |   | 43.52 1/2
Jan 14 - To cash | 14.80 + 3 | 17.80
   | ────────
   | 25.72 1/2

Nathaniel Mitchell |   |
12 mos work |   | 150.00
[Less] ex picking cotton | 4.75 |
[Less] advances | 77.58 | 82.33
   |───── | ─────
   |   | 67.67
Jan 14 - To cash | 2.75 + 3. | 5.75
|   |   | ────
   |   | $61.92

William Mitchell |   |   
12 mos work |   | 150
[Less] Ex picking cotton | 4.75 |
   | 70.88 1/2 | 75.55 1/2
   | ──────── | ───────
   |   | 74.45 1/2
January 14 - to cash |   | 3.50
   |   | ──────
|   | $70.95 1/2
   |   | 70.95 1/2
   |   | 70.94 1/2

Jackson Tayler |   |
12 mos work |   | 150
[Less] Ex picking cotton 4.75 |  
[Less] Advances | 76.62 | 81.37
   | ───── | ─────
    |    | $68.63
Jan 14 - To cash | 4.55
   |   | ─────
  |   | $64.08

Note - lost days included in advances

Transcription Notes:
[Less] this does not look like less. The ending letter goes below line like an f, y or j. Maybe Sep.