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1867 Mary Crews Dr
To A.C. Pasham
[[3 Columned Table]]
Jany 1st | To making May queen furnishing Trims | 1.00
Feby 27th | To 1 Bed Stead & cord | 5.00
June 4th | To 1 Hoop Skirt | .75
   | To 1 Fine Summer dress | 5.00
Augst 5th | To 6 Yds cotton Cloth 25¢ | 1.50
   | To making 2 Chimss. [[Chemises]] 37 1/2 | .75
   | To 1 Pr Brown Stockings | .25
   | To 1 Pr White India cotton stockings | .25
Septr 5th | To 1 Fine Belt & Buckle | 1.00
   | To 10 Yds calico | 1.67
   | To 1 spool cotton & lining | .50
   | To cash pd for making dress | .50
Nov 9th | To 6 yds woolen goods for dress 25¢ | 1.50
   | To making dress | .50
   | Thread & lining for dress | .25
Decr 2nd | To 1 Pr winter shoes | 2.00
   | To 1 Pr stockings | .50
Decr 21st | To 1 set Knitting needles & thimble | .25
   | To 1 nice Cruel Hood | 1.00
   | To 1 Pr shoes | 1.25
Decr 31st | To 9 Yds Cloth for Bed Tick 18¢ | 1.62
   |   | $26.84
   | Recd payment | 19.70
   | Febry 3d 1818 A.C. Pasham | 33.60
   |   | 80.14

Transcription Notes:
---: money is "right-aligned" - per instructions.