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GUATMALA, c. a., January 14, 1944.

[[image - logo]]
Headquarters of: The Lions Club of Guatemala

Dear Mr. Wilson:

I enclose herewith copy of my letter to the "Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, as well as copy of my letter to Gerardo E. L Hanson, Esq., both Mexico, D. F. 

I will be greatly obliged to you if you will be good enough to enlist the services of Mr. E. R. Silliman, your Mexico, D. F., Manager in helping to secure a prompt response to my request for transit permit for my two shotguns.

Thanking you, I am,
Very truly yours, 
[[Pe ? K. Hud ? ?]]

J. Wilson, Esq., 
Manager for Guatemala, 
Pan American Airways, 

cc: Gerardo E. L. Hanson,
Sria. de la Defensa Nacional 
Mexico D. F.,