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January 8, 1957

Dear Tubby:

We had a wonderful time on our one day excursion to Mexico in the middle of December. But we did miss seeing you and Rae.

On the way back we had a chance to visit with a couple of your old time pilots who were on their way to the San Francisco area to do some training for the DC-7's. This gave me an idea which I am sorry to say I neglected to send to you until now.

I gather from these pilots that you have about 20 who have been in your service for over 20 years and I suppose most of these are in the process of receiving DC-7 training. These figures were quite impressive to me and I feel sure they would be excellent public relations if released here in conjunction with some kind of ceremony.

Why wouldn't it be a good idea for you to arrange a little dinner, reception or some kind of party here at the hotel to honor these 20 pilots who are completing their DC-7 training. You could take occasion at that time to present them with a watch or some token to recognize their 20 years of service.

In this connection, the Beverly Hills Hotel just completed plans for service awards. This involves an attractive gold pin for those who have been with us for over three years and a watch for those who have been in our employ for over ten years. Watches can easily be bought wholesale, especially in Mexico and it shouldn't involve too much expense. It would be a great morale booster for your old time employees and a wonderful public relations gesture particularly since it involves several points of interest. One is that you have so many experienced employees; another is that you have such a large number who have been in the service of the company so long; another is the extent to which you go to train experienced working pilots to take over these new planes such as the DC-7.


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