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January 30, 1957


Mr. W. L. Morrison
Vice President
Pan American World Airways System
Miami, Florida

Dear Bill:

I was awfully sorry that you did not come over as planned, but in view of what you told me on the telephone, I know that you probably were more sorry than I was.

At the meeting yesterday, nothing of importance took place, and I am sure that Joven will report to you in detail.  I purposely did not discuss any planning or details of financing, because Carlos Osuna was out of town and Carlos Ramos is his suplente.  Not that I do not trust Carlos R., but I did not think it politic to put him on such a spot.

After some three weeks of discussions, I closed the deal this morning to sell our Cuernavaca property and, unless the Notario takes too much time I will be in position to pick up the Metropolitan note upon its maturity.  If there is a delay in delivery of Escrituras, I may need a 15 or 30 day extension.

We were delighted at the results of our cattle count, which wound up better than 20% above my own estimate.  And we did have a count, because everything on the ranch that carried our brand went through the chute and got a gob of red paint to avoid any later mixing.  After selling 300 head and discounting 24 deaths and losses, we wound up with 1,908 head counted and classified.  That, of course, means too much cattle, so I am now offering for sale 400 cows and heifers to take the pressure off the grass.  Fortunately, we have had enough moisture to keep everything green, and the herd is in good shape.

Our plane Sunday night was two hours late, and I did not get to the house until after midnight, so I did not get to see Maria and Dudley; however, they left early Monday on a special to Vallarta, and I trust that they are properly treated.

Please give our best to Jeannie, Billie, Shelly and Mike, and reserve an abrazo for yourself.
