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Pegar aqui
Seal here

[[four column table]]

Favor de marcar los cuadros | SI Yes | NO | Please check blanks

Es este su primer viaje por aire? | | X | Is this your first airplane trip?
Ha volado antes por Mexicana? | | X | Have you flown Mexicano before?
Recibio informes acerca de Mexicana por: | | | Did you learn about Mexicana through:
Periodicos? | | | Newspaper?
Radio? | | | Radio?
Agente de Viajes? | X | | Travel Agent?
Su viaje es de: | | | Is your trip for:
Negocios | X | | Business?
Placer? | | X | Pleasure?
Sus arreglos de viaje los hizo con un agente de viajes? | | X | Did you make your travel arrangements with a travel agent?
Al hacer sus reservaciones, le proporcionaron con eficiencia informes sobre servicios, itinerarios, tarifos, etc? | X | | In making your reservatio did you get full information about service, schedules, rates, etc. efficiently?
Fue usted tratado con cortesia y eficiencia en el aeropuerto? | X | | Did you receive courteous and efficient treatment at the airport?
Quedo usted complacido de nuestros servicios a bordo? | X | | Were you pleased with our service aboard the aircraft?
Los refrigerios o comidos que la sirvieron fueron: | | | The refreshments or meals served aloft were:
Excelentes? | X | | Excellent?
Buenos? | | | Good?
Regulares? | | | Fair?

? Que sugeriria USTED para mejorar el servicio de Mexicana?
What would YOU do to further improve Mexicana service?

The service on your line is very good. Crew could not be improved on in any of the departments. Some improvement at the airports in regard to Immigration and Customs could be made in regard to explainations [[explanations]] and assistance in obtaining tourist cards and aid with custom declarations.

Nombre (Your Name) D D Dowell
Domicilio (Home Address) 5859 Elston Ave, Chicago Ill
Direccion Comercial (Business Address) Cook Electric Co. Chicago Ill
En Vuelo de (Flying from) Panama A (To) Chicago.
Fecha (Date) Dec 5 1957 No. de Vuelo (Flight No.) Non-Stop to
[[illegible - form truncated]]