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December 11, 1957

Note to Mr. E. R. Silliman, Mexico, D. F.:

Dear Tubby:

As usual, it will be necessary to hand out a few presents to Customs, airport personnel and newspaper people around Christmas time. Therefore, unless you advise to the contrary, I will draw from the CMA account about $150 for this purpose. A similar amount will be allocated by PAD for the same purpose. 

Sometime ago, La Vove asked Mr. Rojas for about $100 without my knowledge to use for Christmas presents. Unless Pepe wants to spend this money for some particular reason, I would sooner purchase a few bottles of liquor and give them to La Vove for distribution from the $150. If you have any better ideas in this respect, please let me know.

Kindest personal regards,

Arthur Ayres
Arthur Ayres, Director
Southern California
