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November 7th., 1932.

My dear Mrs. Geist:

Mr. Kelley had told me of the possibility of your coming into my galleries today and I purposely remained here until 1:30 as I was most anxious to be here myself to greet you. It just so happened that you came in a few minutes later, and I am indeed sorry to have missed, thus, your visit.

In the course of the conversation I had with Mr. Kelley he had expressed the opinion that, in order for Mr. Geist to see the paintings at the same time you did as I know how very busy a man he is, and also in order for you to see how they possibly would look in your home, the most convenient way would be to have a certain group of them sent directly to your home at Villa Nove, which of course I will be glad to do.

As regards the historical and very beautiful portrait of the Duke of Richmond, Mr. Kelley must have told you that another collector was already in negotiations with me about acquiring it, so that I don't feel absolutely free in this matter.

In order not to trouble you, I shall request Mr. Kelley to communicate with you, so as to find out when it might be convenient for me to come up to Philadelphia with the pictures.

Looking forward to having soon an opportunity of seeing you,

Believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Mrs. Clarence H. Geist,
Villa Nova, Penna.