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October 28th., 1933.
Dear Mrs. Gaist:

Mr. Kelley has just communicated to me the offer of $6800., which you have made to him for the pair of paintings be Taunay, which I accept and for which you will find herein invoice.

As Mr. Kelley told you, we were asking a great deal more than the original $6500., which I first quoted you for these two lovely pictures, and I am sure you will realize as time goes on how extremely rare it is to find so lovely a pair of Eighteeth Century landscapes, particularly in such fine condition and having so very interesting a pedigree.

When in the Spring, before sailing, I quoted $7000., to Mr. Kelley, it was with the hope that you would decide then, and let me say that if it had not been for the pleasure of doing another business with you, I would not have started mew negotiations on that basis - as it represents, on the international art market, an actual depreciation of 30% on the Spring value.

I am only writing you this to emphasize the desire I have to continue the very charming relations which we have with you, and as, on the other hand, I am exceedingly pleased to see my firm represented in you beautiful home by such fine paintings as the Raeburn and the Taunays. 

Will you kindly remember me to Mr. Geist, and, looking forward to having soon, I hope, the pleasure of seeing you again, 

Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely, 

Mrs. Clarence H. Geist.
Villa Nova, Penna.
(Germain Séligmann)