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Stoughton 9th 1939
Dear Doris
This has been our first hot week, yesterday the thermometer went to 94 degrees on our porch + it bids fair to be the same to day. we are praying for showers to cool us off. I guess when they comes it will be a good one, they have so far come in the night.
Mrs Barry is all ready to go to church + sing in the choir, but Reynolds not thinking she is going didn't come around for her, so she feels that she is in luck, those hot vestments are terrible to wear when its hot, they go with the rules of their church + they all have to wear them.
I am glad the birth day party passed off so well + they had a good time. I was always glad we gave Hagle that birth day party she talked so much about it before + afterwards. they enjoy such things when young a great deal more than when they are older. the coral beads were doing nobody any good + I thought she was old enough to

Transcription Notes:
the symbol "+" is used as "and"