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Stoughton Dec 20th 1939
Dear Doris
It is a stormy morning + I will try to get this letter off to you by the first mail. there are a good many coming to the house extra post men to bring cards these days, guess they will be glad when the rush is over. the Rings moved into Boston a month ago
I got your christmas box yesterday by railway express. I wonder if your check got to you saf [[safe]], I sent Lenas to her the same day over a week ago. she has'nt answered lately so Mrs Barry sent her a christmas card yesterday we may  hear from her. we got cards + each a nice hankercheif from Mrs Harrington she always remembers us at holidays. her little boy is seven years old. I can hardly believe it possible. to bad their marriage went on the "rocks". they were both good people but should never come together + being Catholics they don't believe in divorce. the Joameys did, so they were put out of the church. Eugene always stays