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Stoughton Dec 27th 1989

Dear Folks,

We are having our snows come in the night one came last night which turned to rain so by this morning most of it has dissapeared [[disappeared]]. the night before christmas it came so the holiday was a white x mas
Mrs Barry stayed with me until one o'clock + came home before 7 so we could have most of it here + we had a lovely x mas just the same I had over 20 christmas cards + lots more presents than ever before. + Mrs B says thank Doris for the lovely present you sent, her also, little Doris for her present to us it was pretty, those shoes were very nice + warm. I wore most all day after they were opened up. + the bulbs I have put in water. black berries will taste mighty good so also the figs +candy +dates I will eat sparingly so they will not upset my stomae [[stomach]]. towels are greatly aprreciated + also very useful. the dress good are pretty + will give me something to sew. when did you find such pretty crotched [[crocheted]] jackets they were very nice + handy to wear after one is dressed up or