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Stoughton Dec 21st 1939

Dear Folks

I am writing this letter in a great hurry to tell you of the terrible thing we have just heard Mrs Williams has just called over to tell us that little Henry Blake has just shot himself, he has been up to Maudes house for the last three days. Maude does not stay there. he was so drunk he could not get into the house without help. his wife is against him & has nagged him & drove him  away. he has stolen money from insurance company & this is the cause of his deed. the house is in a terrible condition blood all over everything. she says he was'nt quite dead but she saw them just go over to Milloard Lowes so guess they could'nt revive him. Mrs Williams has just been over there & says Maude hasn't been told, but guess she must know it by now yours in haste Ma
terrible sad christmas for Maude.