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Stoughton December 17th. 1939

Dear Doris

Mild & cloudy weather prevailes, looks like rain. we have mailed your box & presume by now it has arrived. hope it came without a break. shall be glad when xmas is over. Mrs Barry is making presents galore. her sister Ally who lives in New Jersey is not going to send any thing but cards. Mamie Kate is with her they are very friendly since childhood. Josephine is different & thinks a good deal of her sister Blanche.

It has just begun to rain & growing dark. she has just got home from church & is getting dinner fried pork chops squash, warmed over potatoes, grape nut pudding. this is a receipt for corn flakes pudding. one pint milk put in two cups cornflakes, soak one half-hour. then add 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup molasses one egg well beaten. 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 teaspoon cinneman little salt. melt a table spoon butter add to mixtur bake one hour in a slow oven. the grape nut pudding is more to write but it makes a better pudding. the one receipt came on the package + it has'nt been

[[top margin]] Thursday I sent your check also Lenas that came the same day & sent it to her St Augustine address hope they both arrived safe Ma [[/top margin]]