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[[left margin]] I have jus finished her little blouse. hope it fits no rain yet Friday Ma [[/left margin]]
Stoughton November 30th 1939

Dear Doris 

Thanksgiving morning is starting in warm but cloudy. it is going to rain tonight according to the weather report. I hope it does'nt snow. there was a white frost over everything this morning early. we have got a beautiful turkey & all the fixings. some sweet cider right out of the press. when she ordered the things at Perdigoes, she told them she could'nt get rid of a gallon of sweet cider, just us two, before it turned too sour. just half would be enough. he said I can fix it. so the day before he drove clear to North Easton & waited for them to put it throug the press, he did'nt get here with our order untill after supper. they go out of their way to accomodate us. we never get anything poor. Ellie Mann told us about them. he is head one in the First National store, he said to her you never get anything poor of them & thats where he does his trading mostly. that Brockton Public market have failed up & gone out of business recently. thats where we used to trade. we were never sorry we made the change.