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made for her & she forgot to bring home with her Sunday night. she is a lovely woman & was much pleased with my two ferns, one she has at her home in Brockton, the other at her beauty Parlor in Holbrook. it saved me from throwing them away, as they were too big for the house. she is much pleased with them.

While Mrs Barry was away yesterday afternoon Laura called. she drove her car for the first time since her operation. she was looking fine. she came especially to see my Poinsetter [[poinsettia]] it is budded, five buds. I told her that I cut it back after it had blossomed & gave it plenty of sun & water. she is going to try it next time with hers instead of throwing it away as I always did. I gave her some begonia slips & a pot of bright foliage plants she liked. Laura has been very good to give me many rides in the past & we both like her. she is liked by many here in town. the minute she entered the frontroom she said where is your Piano? not many miss sit, she being a music teacher did. I am very glad it is doing some good for I never have been sorry I had you take it home. she will make a good player & signer [[singer]] perhaps. Mrs Barry says she is sure of it. she is governed by the planet under which she was born, the same as she was music is her fort but her father was opposed to her going on the stage at that time. Ma