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Stoughton November 14th, 1939

My Pink chrysanthems [[chrysanthemums]] are in bloom. the wood pile was put on the others out by the little budding. there dont seem to be any place for them Ma

Dear Doris

We have had our first very cold night after a blowy day, with the wind to the North West, which blew up a slight flurry of snow in the morning. all day it blew cold from that quater + the thermometer this morning was 20° the coldest morning we have had so far. to day it remains cold. we took our beach stones to bed last night + were warm in bed, we went off to bed early in order to feel comfortable. these sunny days we manage to keep warm.

I bet they are having a plenty of snow up north of us Myrtie is reveling in it. I dont care to live where they have it. Massachusetts is good enough for me it makes too icy going. + gives one a shut in feeling.

Perey has been turned off his job after he worked a week + Bert Winslow gave him another not a charitable one, a sort of boss over men working in the woods on trees, this one will be lasting he told him. he is very good to Perey + Alice they say. his wife Mary has been good to Alice she bought fathers old sceretary [[secretary]] + gave her good money for it.