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she has had it all fixed up & they say it looks nice she also sold her an old chair that was grandpa Talbots. of course Alice dont know their history as she was only a kid when mother & father died.

Mary is coming after Mrs Barry & I to ride & show us her house. they say it has been fixed up wonderfully since she married Bert Winslow. she is very nice she makes him a good wife. she is deserving of her good luck a very remarkable woman we like her very much Charlotte Ayers works for her, she comes after her & brings her home. he bought that house a way up to the rail road crossing where you left me in the car to hunt for specimens when you were home, this side of the long bridge. I thought Lenas card sounded lonesome she is living an unnatural life, searching for happiness which she cant find. hope her money holds out. to board at those hotels must be pretty expensive this year I should think.

The persimmons came all right I eat a few but find they dont agree with me & I dont crave them as I did when I could pick them up down there. Bill says they are poison to send them up on a journey north. he knows for he lived south where they grew. he liked them down south they told him down there so when he was going to send them home to his mother 