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he dont get about his work quick enough, so there was one window he dint put on in the sitting room before it began to rain. those hooks there was not hurry about doing. but he is good he means all right. they have had a new bath room fixed they are much pleased over it, very much needed we think. he only gets a few windows on. We have had company to day Mrs Longdon & Ralph Malcome the latter came to see Mrs Barry about insuring her furniture. she has decided to let him have it. she told Mabel Capen today about it only today & not really decided to have it insured, so he came right up & lost no time. guess he dont get much business. being an honest one she thinks she may give him the job. she went over to Mrs Austens Sunday afternoon to supper & met a doctor & his wife the Austens friends he brought her home in the gale & rain. I was also invited but didnt care to go int he storm & was too nervous to meet strangers. after Gregory had been here working. so went to bed & missed seeing Bill. but the work went on just the same & she gave him some coffee & a doughnut & cheese & he went home in the wind & rain satisfied poor Bill. Ma