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Stoughton Nov 1st 1939

Dear Doris

A nice sunny day after two days of storm which we of course sadly needed after our dry summer. it cleared just in time for the children to enjoy their hallowene celebration in Boston & here. Jimmie Lehan gave them a great time on Porter St. he does a lot for the town more than people know about I think which of course is very nice.

Last night some young one came & knocked on the window after I went to bed but as Mrs Barry took no notice of it, they soon passed away. the most we fear is fire from their Jack o lanterns, but our storm dispelled that idea so I went to bed content.

I have taken advantage of the windy day to do my washing. we have lately had good luck in getting our clothes dry if they are a little damp I finish them in the house & they soon dry on the dryer over