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the kitchen store. Mrs Barry has gone with her crowd & Worcester friends to Grouton that is where her father graduated with great honor after going to school. she was glad to go as its a lovely ride & wonderful place to visit. 

We had a good time last Sunday Mr Austin came after us about three in the afternoon, we saw that beautiful furniture all imported. I cant begin to describe it a dining set chairs very heavy dark wood & beatifully carved a desk of inlaid work a large easy chair covered with blue satin a handsome clock stands three feet high. fire screen with a letter B on one side a picture on the other. & dishes, silver set came from China. they most of them came from over accross the water, His mother hated America but his father was American born and met his death over here, it made her crazy. they found him unconscious in an allyway he never came to himself to tell what happened We stayed to the Austins to tea & then came home they are nice people & gave us a good time they are fond of her and pleased to have the care of her furniture  Ma