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Stoughton October 26th 1939

Dear Doris

We are having cool though pleasant weather. so far a nice fall with not much rain, the leaves are going fast which make it dangerous in case of fires

Mrs Austin came over from Holbrook last night & made a business call & I gave her my asparagus fern and was glad to get rid of it. she took it home with her. she is coming over again Sunday after noon to carry me over to her home in Brockton to see the furniture Mrs Barry had moved over there for safe keeping from Edith Virrells, it wont cost her for storage anything at Mrs Austins & will be well cared for they say it looks lovely. most of it came across the water & is very lovely. I saw it when it was in Holbrook once.

The wind is rising now & the sun is clouded in & looks very much like rain for tomorrow & maybe a shower to night, we need the rain very much. it is growing warmer.

Mrs Williams says they are going to turn off little Henry from the bank & have got a good man in