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Stoughton October 11th 1939

Dear Doris,

We have been having lovely weather all this week, but to day the wind has got out into the North West & the change is beginning to be quite noticeable already. yesterday the thermometer was up to 90° all day & we had a coal fire into the bargain.

Alice came from the Matties to spend the day on Monday. she brought me word from Mary French. she had been to see her, she is still in the hospital & getting pretty sick of being in one room so long. its lucky she has money. life cant be very dear to her, (other wise guess its too dear.) its a pity we cant pass on when we are that way. but the Lord perhaps knows best. theres a time for us all. Evelyn Drakes mother is out of her misery Dr Dority's funeral was yesterday.

Bill was over last night again. the mason got through yesterday it took him two days & part of another day. he said in all his work this was the worst one he had ever tackled

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