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before. he worked hard from seven in the morning & took only half an hour nooning till five at night. he is coming Monday to finish up the job & Bill says it wont cost over twenty dollars & it will be well done, other wise Bill wouldnt recommend him. they all say that Bishop would not be the one who would have done any kind of a job & I dont think he wanted to do it to begin with. Time will tell Mrs Barry will see him tomorrow he wasn't there the last time. Bertha Reynolds has opened an office in New York & started an information bureau she has letters from people all over the United States besides lecturing. her mother Mary Leython is very proud of her & well she might be, a very remarkable person. she has made something of herself she told Mrs Barry to day.

Evelyn Drakes mother passed away yesterday morning. the funeral is tomorrow from the funeral home she has had two & three nurses & came home from the hospital a week ago. they have given her every attention but she passed on at last &and they have nothing to regret. Marion her oldest daughter has lived with her since her husbands death, which was also nice. we go when our time comes & not before. hope Sidney got through his lecture & didn't have any bad effect on his nervous system Ma

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