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so it was impossible for me to get to sleep. they never get here 'till my bedtime & then all talk at once, so where any body is deaf, its impossible to understand what they say, for a wonder they never mentioned Poor Maude && we didn't, I like Georgie & pity her, she is the worker, but now is getting where she is not able to do much, what will become of this its impossible to tell.

We are waiting patiently for that darn mason to show up to fix the chimney on the old place I got Mrs Barry to call up Mr Lindelof he saw him & told him we were worried for fear the darned thing will blow down, but he seemed to be busy but would tend to it as soon as possible it has stood so long & perhaps it will a little while longer hope so. theres always something to worry over as my father used to say we were only sure of two things in this world & they were "Death & taxes". now theres was to look forward to. but theres no use to worry, it cant help matters. think of our mercies & keep up our courage. 

I feel that now frosts will soon be here I took in some of my prettiest geraniums this week to save their being taken but dont think I will have so many in the house this winter but hate to see them freeze   Ma