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night long. I knew nothing about it 'till afterwards so you see I was well taken care of but didn't feel afraid & think it foolish, but they meant well & it was mighty good of them to go to all that trouble for me. I dont think I was worth it. Mrs Barry was very sorry she wasn't here but she thought you werent going until the next day, or she could have been here a day sooner just as well. she had a very nice time meeting old friends at Ipswitch & seeing her sister in New Jersey. & thought she was lucky in getting out so easy over her German boat ride they gave her back her money &and everything turned out all well & good. the Lord was on her side she said as usual.

Mr Patterson came & fixed the cesspool & is going to put in two new pieces of plank at his own expense Where the boards are all rotted away he took the measure and will finish it up to our satisfaction right away. he says that Mr Blake is a fine man strictly honest & he likes him very much, he spoke of him several times

Mrs Barry got home on the 8th & was sorry she didn't know about your going earlier than you expected so she could have been to see you off. but it really did'nt matter a great deal she was very glad to get home here to me & tell me all about her visit which she thoroughly enjoyed. 